Skin disease treatment

It is everyone’s wish to have a smooth and clear skin. For a glowing skin, it is important that our skin is naturally healthy.

Over here we discuss some of the common skin disorders and their natural remedies

1. Psoriasis: Psoriasis develops in early adulthood starting with small red bumps that grow into scales.

a) Try reducing Stress.
b) Quit or reduce alcohol intake.
c) A well-balanced diet.
d) Turmeric intake.

2. Eczema: Characterized by itchiness, rough and red skin, and rashes. Certain foods and in some cases environmental factors like smoke and pollen can also cause inflammation.

1. Applying coconut oil can help soothe the skin.

2. Scabies: Scabies is a contagious skin infestation by a tiny burrowing mite called Sarcoptes scabiei. Severe itchiness and a pimple-like rashes are some of the symptoms. The itching may get worse in the night. One can see the burrows or tracks in the folds of skin.

Natural remedies for Scabies

a) Use aloe vera.
b) Neem oil helps.
c) Wash all your clothes in hot water to kill the mites
d) Use our Kasthuri Herbal Soap.

4. Acne: Acne is one of the most common skin problems. It commonly erupts during puberty.

1. Aloe vera helps. 2. Honey helpss. 3. Application of Pudina leaves paste.

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